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Study of the RFID tecnology applied to the maintenance management of different mine machines
The purpose of this project arose from the need that Muntatges Rus, S.L company noticed when studying the possibility to implement a RFID system to control and manage the preventive maintenance applied in all the mine machines (trucks, minelayers and diggers) from the mine of Súria.

This project involves the detailed study of the different parts from the RFID technology that should be implemented, as well as the different tasks to carry out the preventive maintenance.

There is a second part based on solving and changing the way that preventive maintenance is performed today. Thus, it will be solved proposing a solution which is focused on the RFID technology.

Thanks to all of this implementation, we studied the economic viability of the project, taking a report based on all the incidents that have emerged during certain years.

Therefor we used some indicators to overview the right viability of the project.

Eventually, we thought appropriate to make a database, accompanied by a Java application which can manage and consult all the changes or incidents that may arise during the maintenance performance.


Result:  9 - Excellent 

Complete Temperature Control System by an Android Application and a Web Page using Arduino

This project has been done for my own and my partner named Marc Molina. As you can see in the title, it consists in a complete temperature control system of a wood house mock up. Using an android application and a web-page, you are able to read and control different parameters in order to switch on/off some actuators. As well as, you can read data using the sensors inside the mock up. 


We have done that project in Cork (Ireland) Institute of Technology (CIT) for 4 months.


Result:  9.6 - Distinction 

Research Project - Automatic and Control Department in the University ETSEIAT
1. Study all the positioning Drone sensors.
2.Programming all the positioning algorithms.
3. Control the system, using all the models obtained and finally the controller's implementation.
Goal: The Drone Trajectory control using all the models and the algorithms that we get.
Individual Project for a Garden Company named
Jardineria Francesc, S.L.
Sprinkler systems' design using AutoCAD
1. Obtained a virtually image of the piece of land that we had to intall all the sprinklers' system.
2. Distributed each kind of sprinkler using a reasonable way, and I calculated how many sprinklers we needed.
3. Finally, draw all the distribution in the virtually image using AutoCAD.
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